Promoting friendship between the United States and Slovakia since 2001

FOS Celebrates Women’s Leadership in Slovak Foreign Policy Making

The 2019 election of Zuzana Čaputová as the first female president of the Slovak Republic brought increased visibility to the country, especially in the realm of foreign policy. While there is still room for greater participation, a growing number of women in Slovakia now occupy senior positions in influencing, planning, and conducting Slovakia’s foreign relations. […]

Discussion with Eduard Heger, Prime Minister of Slovakia

The German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Transatlantic Democracy Working Group hosted a virtual discussion with Eduard Heger, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic to discuss Slovakia’s democracy agenda and how his government intends to further its commitments to restore trust in democratic institutions and build deeper transatlantic cooperation and coordination to […]

FOS Celebrates 20th Anniversary with Dinner at Slovak Embassy

Current and former directors of Friends of Slovakia, along with spouses and special guests, celebrated the 20th anniversary of FOS on November 17, 2021, at a dinner at the Slovak Embassy in Washington, D.C. hosted by Ambassador Radovan Javorčík. Earlier in the day, Beata Balogová, editor-in-chief of the Slovak daily SME, delivered the 2021 Czech […]

FOS Ready to Launch Its Third Student Summit

This report was prepared by Dr. Elizabeth Guran, chair of the FOS Committee on Academic Exchanges. The Friends of Slovakia (FOS) International Student Summits are off and running! Two successful virtual summits were held in 2021 and a third summit will occur in April 2022. All three events address the theme, “Challenges of Democracy.” The […]

FOS Ready to Launch Its Third Student Summit on Challenges of Democracy

The Friends of Slovakia (FOS) International Student Summits are off and running! Two successful virtual summits were held in 2021 and a third summit will occur in April 2022. All three events address the theme, “Challenges of Democracy.” The students, faculty, and expert guest speakers from past summits have all participated virtually due to covid-19 restrictions and will continue to do so for the third Student Summit.

Friends of Slovakia Mourns the Passing of Madeleine K. Albright

Friends of Slovakia mourns the passing of former Secretary of State Madeleine Korbelová Albright. Proud immigrant, trailblazing diplomat, distinguished educator, and tireless advocate for democracy and the rule of law. Rest in Peace! Read Madeline Albright’s Obituary published by the Washington Post on March 23, 2022.