Promoting friendship between the United States and Slovakia since 2001

Reevaluating U.S. Visa Regulations: Strengthening Central and Eastern European Relations

On February 11, 2005, a significant forum on visa issues in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) was organized on Capitol Hill by the East Europe Project at CSIS, together with Friends of Slovakia (FOS) and American Friends of the Czech Republic (AFoCR). The meeting aimed to address the impact of current U.S. visa regulations on political and public relations with the CEE countries. Forum panelists and experts shed light on the legal intricacies of the visa issue and its implications for U.S.-CEE relations, urging for a reconsideration of the status quo.

The Best Summer Of My Life: Live, Learn, and Intern in Washington, D.C.

By Monika Izáková, IEIA 2012, President TFAS Slovakia, and the 2012 FOS Scholar I’ve always wanted to know and see as much as possible as well as experience and discover how things work in practice. Thanks to successful studies and several internships in government, I did pretty well in achieving this dream of mine. However, […]

Pavol Demes’ New Book on US-Slovak Relations

The Friends of Slovakia and Ambassador Peter Kmec co-hosted a reception and book launch on November 15th for Pavol Demes’ latest book, which explores Slovak-American relations. The event was attended by a large audience, including many members of Friends of Slovakia and Wendy Luers, who played a significant role in strengthening Slovak civil society. Ambassador […]

Letter from Bratislava by Amb. Sedgwick

At the Newsletter’s request, Ambassador Tod Sedgwick has contributed the following update on Slovak developments and U.S.-Slovak cooperation: Slovakia’s role as a security provider has climbed steeply in the past year given the dramatic events in Ukraine. Slovakia is playing a pivotal role in annually providing up to 14.6 billion cubic meters of natural gas […]

FOS to Present Aeromobil to the U.S.

As the world’s economies seek economic growth and jobs, emphasis is increasingly placed on the key role played by innovation.  A recent Washington Post op-ed by Fareed Zakaria noted, “Innovation is partly about entrepreneurship but also about technology.”  And there are some, such as billionaire Peter Thiel, who argue that, despite the hype, we don’t […]

Ivan Korčok Named Slovak Foreign Minister

Ivan Korčok, recently the Slovak Ambassador to the U.S., has been appointed Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic in the cabinet of the new Slovak government led by Prime Minister Igor Matovič. The February 29 parliamentary elections saw the rise of Matovič’s OLaNO party, which was able to form a new governing coalition with three other parties. In the course of selecting positions in the cabinet, the SAS party headed by Richard Sulík, chose Amb. Korčok as Foreign Minister, even though he is not a member of SAS. He will serve as an independent member of the cabinet.

FOS Celebrates 20th Anniversary with Dinner at Slovak Embassy

Current and former directors of Friends of Slovakia, along with spouses and special guests, celebrated the 20th anniversary of FOS on November 17, 2021, at a dinner at the Slovak Embassy in Washington, D.C. hosted by Ambassador Radovan Javorčík. Earlier in the day, Beata Balogová, editor-in-chief of the Slovak daily SME, delivered the 2021 Czech […]

FOS Ready to Launch Its Third Student Summit on Challenges of Democracy

The Friends of Slovakia (FOS) International Student Summits are off and running! Two successful virtual summits were held in 2021 and a third summit will occur in April 2022. All three events address the theme, “Challenges of Democracy.” The students, faculty, and expert guest speakers from past summits have all participated virtually due to covid-19 restrictions and will continue to do so for the third Student Summit.