FOS Board Adds New Members


At the FOS Annual Meeting on February 15th, 2019 election for the Board of Directors was held and the slate of Officers and Executive Committee were appointed. FOS saw transitions, with three new members added and three members, in addition to Amb. Russell and Mr. Senko, departing. The new members welcomed to the Board are Dr. Elizabeth Guran, Dr. Martina Hrvolová and Dr. Ceclia Rokusek. FOS expresses appreciation and best wishes to its departing board members, Dr. Sharon Fisher, Dr. Eva Jenkins and Mr. David Blazek.

Marking the transition in leadership, the Board appointed new officers for 2019. Scott Thayer, a career Foreign Service officer and former Chargé d’affaires in Bratislava, was appointed FOS Chairman. Ken Bombara and Lillian McEnany will continue as Vice Chairman and Secretary, respectively, and Tom Skladony was appointed Treasurer. Roger Kodat, Richard Marko, and Jan Surotchak were appointed to join the officers on the FOS Executive Committee. At the meeting, the Board also presented Amb. Russell and Mr. Senko with a plaque honoring their service to FOS. The new Board and Executive Committee look forward to building on FOS’ outstanding accomplishments as it moves into a new era in support of U.S.–Slovak friendship.

New FOS Chairman, Scott Thayer presents plaques honoring their service to Amb. Russell and Mr. Senko, with Amb. Korčok looking on.
FOS Board holds its Annual Meeting.


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