Promoting friendship between the United States and Slovakia since 2001

FOS Co-sponsors Talk on Slovak Political Prisoners


Friends of Slovakia in cooperation with the Slovak American Society of Washington, D.C. (SASW) co-sponsored a talk by Prof. Jana Kopelentová-Řehák of the University of Maryland on Slovak political prisoners during the communist era. The talk was held at the Slovak Embassy in Washington, D.C.

Prof. Kopelentova-Rehak’s research largely derives from her dissertation work, which subsequently led to the publication of the book Czech Political Prisoners. For this talk, she focused on the topic from a Slovak perspective and pointed out several areas where the experience of Slovak prisoners differed from those of their Czech compatriots. For example, while Czech prisoners were typically kept in facilities within the country, many Slovak prisoners were sent to the Soviet Union and were often isolated from other Slovaks, in an apparent effort at ‘ethnic fragmentation.’ Her talk also dealt with the personal stories of survivors and their efforts to re-integrate into society. Their desire to obtain ‘rehabilitation’ and compensation was often not realized until the post-communist era. Those attending the talk gained a deeper perspective of this difficult era of Slovak and Czech history.


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