Promoting friendship between the United States and Slovakia since 2001

FOS Launches New Program of Student Exchanges Between the U.S. and Slovakia!


FOS is thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting new program that aims to foster understanding, engagement, and friendship between university students from the United States and Slovakia. This unique initiative has been developed by the FOS Student Exchange Committee led by Dr. Elizabeth Guran (committee chair), and supported by other committee members including Dr. Sharon Wolchik, Dr. Cecilia Rokusek, and Dr. Martina Hrvolova. It will be moderated by professors from Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia, and Wayne State University in Detroit, USA. The primary focus of these exchange summits will be on the topic of ‘Challenges of Democracy.’ Through these academic exchanges, FOS seeks to promote a profound exchange of ideas, enhancing knowledge and interest in global issues, while building lasting international friendships.

Key Goals of the Program:

🤝 Promote Increased Understanding and Engagement: By facilitating direct interactions between students from both countries, we hope to encourage open dialogue and create a platform for meaningful discussions about democratic challenges faced by societies today.

🌍 Enhance Knowledge and Interest in Global Issues: These exchanges will provide an opportunity for participants to gain insights into different perspectives, contributing to a broader understanding of global challenges and potential solutions.

🌐 Build International Friendships: As students immerse themselves in cross-cultural experiences, we anticipate the formation of strong bonds that will promote lasting friendships and professional networks across borders.

Friends of Slovakia considers this program to be a significant and ongoing initiative in academic exchange, perfectly aligned with our mission to foster and promote friendship between the United States and Slovakia. We welcome the participation of enthusiastic university students who are eager to explore and contribute to the democratic discourse.


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