Promoting friendship between the United States and Slovakia since 2001

Lajcak Elected President of the UN Assembly


On May 31, 2017, the United Nations General Assembly elected by acclimation Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak of Slovakia as President of its upcoming 72nd session.  Following his election at UN Headquarters in New York, Mr. Lajcak outlined his priorities for his tenure: people; peace and prevention; migration; sustainable development goals; climate action; and human rights, which would guide his work as an overarching principle.

FOS Board members Joe Senko and Sabina Sabados at the Lacjak reception

Friends of Slovakia Board members Joe Senko and Sabrina Sabados were among the guests at a reception given by Frantisek Ruzicka, Permanent Representative of the Slovak Republic to the United Nations, honoring Mr. Lajcak’s election.


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