Promoting friendship between the United States and Slovakia since 2001

Statement from Friends of Slovakia on the Shooting of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico


Friends of Slovakia condemns in the strongest possible terms the shooting of Prime Minister Robert Fico during his public appearance in the town of Handlová on May 15.

We join with all persons of good will in Slovakia and beyond in wishing Mr. Fico a complete and speedy recovery.

Since its inception, Friends of Slovakia has worked to promote democracy in Slovakia. We consider this shooting not only an assault on a person but a serious attack on the norms of democratic governance. We are reminded that democracy is not simply elections. Yes, democracy requires free and fair elections – but it also requires much more, including an engaged citizenry, responsible political actors, a free press, vibrant civil society and nongovernmental organizations, and a strong commitment to the peaceful and impartial rule of law.

Violence – or the threat of violence – toward elected officials, politicians, journalists, NGO leaders, or others in public life – has no place in a democratic society.

Friends of Slovakia will continue to monitor developments in the country. We ask all of you to join us in wishing Prime Minister Fico the very best as he recovers from the injuries he sustained in this brutal attack.


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