Proliferation of Russian-Style Foreign Agents Laws: A Tool for Repression in Civil Society – Friends of Slovakia’s Chair Martina Hrvolová Among Panelists

On June 20th, 2024, the U.S. Helsinki Commission held a briefing to address the proliferation of Russian-style foreign agent laws, a concerning trend that has spread to several countries beyond Russia. Originally implemented by Russia in 2012, the foreign agents law has been utilized as a tool to suppress independent civil society and opposition voices, […]

Beata Balogová Joins the Board of the European Press Prize

Beata Balogová, editor-in-chief of Slovakia’s SME, recipient of the 2020 European Press Prize Opinion Award, and keynote speaker of the 2021 Annual Freedom Lecture, has been selected to join the Board of the European Press Prize on October 14, 2024.