The Best Summer Of My Life: Live, Learn, and Intern in Washington, D.C.
By Monika Izáková, IEIA 2012, President TFAS Slovakia, and the 2012 FOS Scholar I’ve always wanted to know and see as much as possible as well as experience and discover how things work in practice. Thanks to successful studies and several internships in government, I did pretty well in achieving this dream of mine. However, […]
Amb. Bútora Reflects on Slovakia’s First 20 Years
Martin Bútora, former Slovak ambassador to the United States, delivered the 13th Annual Czech and Slovak Freedom Lecture on November 16, 2012. He was introduced by Wilson Center Executive Vice President and COO Michael Van Dusen. A capacity audience filled the Woodrow Wilson Center auditorium to hear his thoughts on “20 Years of Independence: Reflections […]
Letter from Bratislava by Amb. Sedgwick
At the Newsletter’s request, Ambassador Tod Sedgwick has contributed the following update on Slovak developments and U.S.-Slovak cooperation: Slovakia’s role as a security provider has climbed steeply in the past year given the dramatic events in Ukraine. Slovakia is playing a pivotal role in annually providing up to 14.6 billion cubic meters of natural gas […]
CEPA Forum 2017 in Washington DC Examines Atlanticism in a Time of Change
The annual transatlantic security conference organized by the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) has become the leading event in Washington D.C. focused on issues in Central and Eastern Europe. The theme of this year’s CEPA Forum 2017 was “Preserving Atlanticism in a Time of Change,” and was held on September 21-22 in Washington, D.C. […]
Freedom Lecture and Related Events in Washington Commemorate the Velvet Revolution’s 30th Anniversary
November 2019 marked the 30th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the subsequent events that brought freedom from communist domination to many countries of the former “Soviet-bloc.” In Czechoslovakia, public demonstrations, spearheaded by student movements, sparked the relatively peaceful downfall of the communist government and began the country’s “return to the West,” […]
FOS Celebrates Women’s Leadership in Slovak Foreign Policy Making
The 2019 election of Zuzana Čaputová as the first female president of the Slovak Republic brought increased visibility to the country, especially in the realm of foreign policy. While there is still room for greater participation, a growing number of women in Slovakia now occupy senior positions in influencing, planning, and conducting Slovakia’s foreign relations. […]
FOS Ready to Launch Its Third Student Summit
This report was prepared by Dr. Elizabeth Guran, chair of the FOS Committee on Academic Exchanges. The Friends of Slovakia (FOS) International Student Summits are off and running! Two successful virtual summits were held in 2021 and a third summit will occur in April 2022. All three events address the theme, “Challenges of Democracy.” The […]
Friends of Slovakia Mourns the Passing of Madeleine K. Albright
Friends of Slovakia mourns the passing of former Secretary of State Madeleine Korbelová Albright. Proud immigrant, trailblazing diplomat, distinguished educator, and tireless advocate for democracy and the rule of law. Rest in Peace! Read Madeline Albright’s Obituary published by the Washington Post on March 23, 2022.
Historic Moment at FOS: First Female Chair Elected at Annual Meeting
The Friends of Slovakia is thrilled to announce the selection of its new slate of officers following the successful conclusion of the 2023 Annual Meeting held on February 13th. This election marks a significant moment in FOS history as Martina Hrvolová becomes the first female chairwoman of the organization. Martina Hrvolová, a Senior Advisor at […]
Grigorij Mesežnikov Appointed to FOS Board of Directors: Strengthening Leadership
We are thrilled to welcome Grigorij “Grisha” Mesežnikov, who was elected as a new member of the FOS Board at the 2024 FOS Annual Board Meeting on February 23rd. As the President of the Institute for Public Affairs (IVO) in Bratislava, Slovakia, and a prominent political scientist, Grisha brings unparalleled expertise in understanding political systems […]