Promoting friendship between the United States and Slovakia since 2001

Women Leadership in Slovak Foreign Policymaking


The 2019 election of Zuzana Čaputová as the first female president of Slovakia brought increased visibility to the country, especially in the realm of foreign policy. While there is still room for greater participation, a growing number of women in Slovakia now occupy senior positions in influencing, planning, and conducting Slovakia’s foreign relations. Friends of Slovakia convened a panel of three Slovak foreign policy leaders to discuss their experiences and impact as policymakers and role models, and to share their perspectives on contemporary issues.

Panelists: Jana Kobzová, Foreign Policy Chief of Slovak President; Lucia Kišš, Director, Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation; Katarina Klingová, Senior Research Fellow, Democracy and Resilience, GLOBSEC

Moderator: Martina Hrvolova, FOS Board member and Non-Resident Fellow at the German Marshall Fund


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