Promoting friendship between the United States and Slovakia since 2001


Sabina Sabados Sabina Sabados comes from eastern Slovakia and immigrated to the United States in the late 1980s. She received her BA in Political Science from Drew University in May 2003 with minors in French and European Studies. During her undergraduate studies, she participated in the Drew International Seminar which was hosted in Paris and […]

2018 Slovakia Anniversary Year Celebrations Kick Off with Capitol Hill Reception

2018 marks a special anniversary year for Slovakia, with celebrations commemorating the events of 100, 50, and 25 years ago. On January 19, the Slovak Embassy in Washington, D.C. kicked off the year’s celebrations with a special reception held in the ornate Members’ Room of the Library of Congress on Capitol Hill. The focus of […]

The Velvet Revolution: Celebrating 30 Years of Freedom (1989 – 2019)

The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 had a significant impact on Eastern Europe’s political scene. In Czechoslovakia, the Communist regime was replaced by a democratic revolution, which was led by student movements and dissidents. November 2019 marks the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, a non-violent transition of power with demonstrations against the […]

Attitudes About the Velvet Revolution

FOS Board members and others in the Washington foreign policy and Slovak-interest communities participated in a roundtable featuring former Slovak Ambassador Martin Bútora and his spouse, sociologist Dr. Zora Bútorová.  The ambassadorial couple served in Washington, DC from 1999-2003 and had a significant impact on Slovak-U.S. relations, as well as opening Slovakia’s new embassy building […]

75th Anniversary of the End of the Second World War

“In our self-absorption over contemporary assaults on our freedom — political and medical — we in the United States seem to have entirely overlooked this seminal event which continues to shape our lives today. We should never forget the core lessons from that time — the importance of allies who share our values and the […]

Celebrating Two Decades of Friends of Slovakia (2001 – 2021)


As we look back on our journey, we want to celebrate FOS’s achievements over the past 20 years. Let us seize new opportunities while fostering lasting memories and renewed enthusiasm to champion the partnership between the United States and Slovakia for decades to come. Related post & events:

Friends of Slovakia’s Board Member Cecilia Rokusek Recognized for her Excellent Work by the Slovak Minister of Foreign Affairs Miroslav Wlachovský

On her 70th birthday, Friends of Slovakia’s Board Member Cecilia Rokusek, President and CEO of the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library in Cedar Rapids, IA, was recognized for her excellent work and personal dedication, including as the Honorary Consul in Florida, by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic Miroslav Wlachovský on June 27, […]