Promoting friendship between the United States and Slovakia since 2001

The Velvet Revolution: Celebrating 30 Years of Freedom (1989 – 2019)


The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 had a significant impact on Eastern Europe’s political scene. In Czechoslovakia, the Communist regime was replaced by a democratic revolution, which was led by student movements and dissidents. November 2019 marks the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, a non-violent transition of power with demonstrations against the Communist Party led by students and dissidents. The result was the fall of Communism and the “return to the West” after 41 years of oppression. Celebrate 30 years of freedom with Friends of Slovakia!  

Friends of Slovakia Brings Slovak Photographer’s Compelling Refugee Story to the US

Just three days after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began, Jana Rajcová, a Bratislava-based photographer, felt compelled to use her documentary photography skills to make a difference. FOS is sponsoring the project’s first solo US exhibition at the National Czech and Slovak Museum & Library in Cedar Rapids. The exhibit opens on September 19, 2024 and will run through January 26, 2025, marking a significant milestone in Rajcová’s journey as she brings her perspective on Ukrainian refugees to the American Midwest.




Katarína Csefálvayová and Simon Panek

Katarína Cséfalvayová  & Simon Panek delivered the 2019 Czech and Slovak Freedom Lecture on November 13, 2019. This special double-lecture event lecture was entitled “30 Years of Czech and Slovak Freedom,” commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, which saw the return of freedom and democracy to both countries on November 17, 1989. Katarína […]




Velvet @ 30:  A Legacy to Uphold

On Tuesday, November 12, 2019, a forum titled Velvet @ 30: A Legacy to Uphold was held at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. The forum was co-sponsored by the Czech and Slovak Embassies in collaboration with Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service.  The event featured welcoming remarks by Joel Hellman, Dean of the Walsh […]




Attitudes About the Velvet Revolution

FOS Board members and others in the Washington foreign policy and Slovak-interest communities participated in a roundtable featuring former Slovak Ambassador Martin Bútora and his spouse, sociologist Dr. Zora Bútorová.  The ambassadorial couple served in Washington, DC from 1999-2003 and had a significant impact on Slovak-U.S. relations, as well as opening Slovakia’s new embassy building […]




FOS Co-Sponsors 2019 CEPA Forum

On September 23, 2019 the Center for European Policy Analysis held its annual ‘CEPA Forum’ in Washington DC entitled, Transatlantic Anniversaries: Legacies and Unfinished Business.  FOS, as it has for several years, served as a co-sponsor of this prestigious event, which represents the major U.S. policy forum focusing on Central and Eastern Europe.  Among the speakers […]




Slovak and U.S. Think Tanks Form Key Collaboration on Central European Issues

At a conference held on July 17-18 in Washington, the Atlantic Council, a major U.S.-based foreign policy think tank, and GLOBSEC, a Bratislava-based security and foreign policy think tank, announced a collaboration to address current issues focusing on the central European region. At the two-day conference entitled, The United States and Central Europe: Celebrating Europe […]




Bridget Brink Confirmed as Next U.S. Ambassador to Slovakia

On July 11, 2019 members of the Friends of Slovakia (FOS) Executive Committee met with Ambassador Brink at the State Department in Washington DC to get acquainted and discuss her plans for the new post. The White House announced in March 2019 that President Trump had nominated Bridget Brink, a career foreign service diplomat, to […]




100th Anniversary of Death of Štefánik Commemorated

This year, 2019, represents the 100th anniversary of the death of one of the most important figures in the history of Slovakia, Milan Rastislav Štefánik.  On May 4, the anniversary was commemorated with a talk by researcher Kevin J. McNamara of the Foreign Policy Research Institute, who discussed “Six Events that Made Milan Stefanik a […]




The Velvet Revolution: Celebrating 30 Years of Freedom (1989 – 2019)

The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 had a significant impact on Eastern Europe’s political scene. In Czechoslovakia, the Communist regime was replaced by a democratic revolution, which was led by student movements and dissidents. November 2019 marks the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, a non-violent transition of power with demonstrations against the […]




FOS Board Adds New Members

At the FOS Annual Meeting on February 15th, 2019 election for the Board of Directors was held and the slate of Officers and Executive Committee were appointed. FOS saw transitions, with three new members added and three members, in addition to Amb. Russell and Mr. Senko, departing. The new members welcomed to the Board are […]




Golden Medal of the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic awarded to Amb. Theodore Russell and Joseph Senko

Slovak Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajčák has selected Friends of Slovakia (FOS) Founding Chairman, Amb. Theodore Russell, and  Board Chairman, Joseph Senko to receive the prestigious Golden Medal of the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic.  The medals were presented to the two recipients on February 15, 2019 by Slovak Ambassador Ivan […]




Passing of former Amb. Branislav Lichardus

Friends of Slovakia mourn the passing of former Amb. Branislav Lichardus, on February 8 at the age of 88.  Dr. Lichardus, a noted medical doctor and researcher, became the first Slovak ambassador to the U.S. following Slovakia’s independence in 1993.  He served successfully in Washington from 1994-1998, a particularly challenging time for the U.S. – […]





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